Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The fall by Garth Nix

Author: Garth Nix

Pages: 195

Genre: fantasy, Science Fiction

Buy from:amazon.com/ barnesandnoble.com

Release Date: November 2007

Tal, a 13 year old boy, Is a chosen, he lives in a world where each chosen has a shadowguard who will be replaced with a more powerful one after a trip to Aenir  (a spirit world).But he needs a primary sunstone for that, and the only one his family had got lost as his father disappeared, Tal tries to get one in every way he can, because with his mother sick he is the only one able to take care of his family, he will have to face terrible dangers to get a sun stone and this will lead him to a strange world, will he be able to get back to the castle in time to enter Aenir?
Personal opinion
I loved this book so much, it is very short so I read it quickly, it is a beautiful and original fiction story, I had never read anything quite like it, if you are just starting to become a reader, I recommend this book, it is a fast reading and very interesting.I was so angry with my bookshop because they only had the first one,so  I haven't been able to read n 2 yet.

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