Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

the perks of being a wildflower


The perks of being a wallflower is a story about a boy named Charlie who is starting high school, he is a little scared so he starts to write letters about his experience to an unknown person. Soon Charlie meets a group of people and finally makes friends, but Charlie is  very awkward and abnormal. Sometimes he acts strange, and sees things differently people think that that´s just how he is but as the story progresses some doubts will start to rise. Could Charlie be blocking out memories of his past?


My Personal Opinion:

This book is so small that´s mainly the reason I read it. When I saw it I thought “ Meh it´s only 136 pages”

I wasn´t expecting such an amazing novel, this books deserves all the best critics and awards it has gotten. Although the book was a simple story about a boy it didn't´t fail to capture my attention, it´s letter like structure isn´t something I see often which was refreshing. It was hard to see anything coming because this is a book that capture the essence of life perfectly, it was unexpected, real and very enjoyable. This book is so short that there is really no excuse for not picking it up!! I recommend it 100% for both book lovers and new readers.

Favorite Quote:

“Not everybody has a sob story Charlie, and even if they do, it´s no excuse”

-pag 21